design diary

Designing Brave the Dreamer #3: Playing well with others

Welcome to Part 3 of a design diary series about my tabletop role-playing game Brave the Dreamer. If you haven’t already, you can read Part 1 and Part 2!

One goal I hope to achieve with this design diary series is to show how something that looks like one person’s creation is actually the result of access, resources, community, and support. In short, it’s far from an individual effort, and nowhere is that clearer than in playtest.

Designing Brave the Dreamer #1: Shoulders of giants

Welcome to the first Brave the Dreamer design diary! In this series, I’ll be documenting the process of making my first tabletop role-playing game. (Check it out here!)

Like any creative endeavor, making a game can be daunting, but I’ve been fortunate to have phenomenal support along the way. By writing this series, I hope to pay respect to the people and resources I’ve leaned on, to record a snapshot of my design process at this time, and to demystify whatever I can for anyone who might be considering making a game like this.